FX Excursions

FX Excursions offers the chance for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in destinations around the world.
Tag: Gardens
Oct 17, 2020

Strolling the Prom

Last week I wrote about how much I love walking by the ocean, but I also enjoy strolling through beach towns, checking out the range of homes and peeking into gardens. Truth be told, I enjoy that kind of sightseeing wherever I find myself. Being an avid gardener, I always want to check out other peoples' landscapes and see how their gardens grow. I also appreciate all kinds of architectural styles and entertain myself with imagined stories of the lives inside the houses I pass by.

Revel in a European Summer with AmaWaterways

Pedal through sun-drenched vineyards, hike amidst blooming wildflowers and take a refreshing dip in your ship's sun-deck whirlpool. Indulge in the flavors of the region with delectable dishes featuring luscious Wachau Valley apricots and succulent Serbian plums. As night falls, watch as the cities along the rivers come alive, pulsating with an irresistible electric energy. The sun-soaked days and vibrant nights offer a compelling reason to embark on an AmaWaterways river cruise during the upcoming summer months.

Jul 11, 2020

A Garden’s Gifts

Back in February, before COVID-19 had blown up into a worldwide pandemic, I was already anticipating an early spring harvest of lettuce and spinach, planted at the end of an unusually mild and relatively dry January. My raised beds and a homemade "greenhouse" fashioned over them with PVC pipe and heavy-duty plastic drop cloths created a sheltered environment that encouraged lush growth in spite of chilly nights. By the time the middle of March rolled around and Oregon's governor enacted stay-at-home orders as the virus spread and infection rates climbed, my salad greens were ready for harvest. Thankful to have one less reason to venture to the grocery store, I planted carrots and sugar peas and the next wave of lettuce and spinach to add to our larder.

Feb 20, 2020

Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens

The sun was shining with no wind in sight in Los Angeles this weekend, so I wanted to take advantage of it and explore, in my opinion, one of the best museums/gardens in the country. The Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens are located in San Marino, a tiny enclave in Pasadena, and cover acres filled with amazing outdoor space and art.

Briggs & Riley: Elevate Your Journey with Quality Luggage

Embracing a life well lived often means embracing a life well-traveled. Every journey becomes a canvas for experiences that shape our lives and at the heart of every adventure lies the indispensable companion: quality luggage.

Oct 7, 2019

A Walk in the Park

I love when out-of-town guests come to stay. We get to be the local experts and show them around. Having moved to the Hartford area only two years ago, it also means we get to explore all those places we intend to see but somehow never do.