FX Excursions

FX Excursions offers the chance for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in destinations around the world.
Tag: Women
Feb 3, 2020

Solo Travel and Women

Global Traveler's February issue is our first Women's Issue and I could not be more excited. Now more than ever there are programs, tours, cruises, etc., catering to women travelers and even solo travelers. Solo travel is something I explored more in the last few years, partly because it's easy for me to take extended trips after my business is concluded in a particular destination and mostly because sometimes planning trips with friends or family can be too much of a hassle!

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Jan 29, 2020

The March of Women

Bear with me. I’m going to ramble a bit.

Dec 9, 2019

AJ Mendez, Aimee Garcia and GLOW

In a previous blog I wrote about AJ Mendez and her battle against the stigma of mental disorders and treatment. In her book Crazy Is My Superpower, Mendez revealed her struggles with her bipolar diagnosis and the societal pressures of being a young girl who never felt she fit in. Now Mendez has a new writing project in a much different form but with similar goals.

Fill Your Heart with Ireland

Whether it's the people, the craic (fun) or the coasts, travelers always find something to love about the island of Ireland. What fills your heart?

Mar 30, 2018

Women at the Wheel: Driving Your Business

Last week, Katie Skrzek, vice president/digital director, and I attended a breakfast panel held by Citrin Cooperman titled “Women at the Wheel: Driving Your Business.” It was an inspiring, female-driven morning with three women from varied backgrounds and career fields sharing their stories, advice and thoughts.