FX Excursions

FX Excursions offers the chance for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in destinations around the world.
Tag: Travel
Jan 4, 2022

A Look at the New Year

Happy New Year! 2021 brought everyone a bunch of ups and downs, so it’s about time we welcome in a new year. I am feeling optimistic about this year with positive developments on COVID-19, professionally and in all other aspects of my life.

Travel Tips to Help Protect Your Health and Your Trip

Five Tips to Help Minimize Potential Travel Problems

Dec 12, 2021

Trip Planning in a COVID World

I am itching to travel. First, I canceled a planned trip to Jamaica in 2020. Then I celebrated my 25th wedding anniversary in 2021 without much fanfare. Now, I’m looking ahead to 2022. I’m done waiting! I decided we’re going on a trip, come hell or high water — or worse, COVID! So Aruba, here we come.

Jul 17, 2021

More Than 50 Percent of Americans Plan to Check Off a Wish List Destination Post-Pandemic

According to a new survey conducted by Hilton, 59 percent of respondents plan to jump back into travel post-pandemic with a bucket list vacation they would not have considered prior to the pandemic. The top locations include international and domestic landmarks like the Grand Canyon, Eiffel Tower, Niagara Falls, Statue of Liberty, Colosseum and Las Vegas Strip. The survey also showed 64 percent of Americans agreed they are in desperate need of a vacation.

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Jun 2, 2021

Opinion Piece: Does the World Want to Return to International Travel?

It has been more than one year since everyone across the globe was told we wouldn't be able to go to places of work, that some of us had to make appointments to go somewhere as simple as the grocery store, and that we must stay home. We all thought, "Okay, this will last, what ... two weeks? A month? We can handle that." And yet, roughly 15 months later, we still find ourselves coming out of lockdown. It doesn’t make it easier that every place — every country, every state, every county and every city — is handling it differently. Overall, of course, things are the same across the board, but the nuances are there, and they can honestly be hard to keep up with.