FX Excursions

FX Excursions offers the chance for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in destinations around the world.
Tag: Seaside Oregon
Oct 10, 2020

Beach Strolls

There are so many things to love about a visit to the ocean, but if I had to choose one, I think it would have to be beach walks. I find my soul rejuvenated by a long walk along the edge of the sea, feet in the sand, the constant wash of the water in my ears, my cheeks kissed by sun and wind and my view unbounded. My heart lifts, my chest expands with every inhalation until I feel lighter than I do anywhere else. My mind seems to open up, too, and my everyday whirlwind of competing concerns and thoughts is swept away before that endless stretch of sky and sea and sand.

Travel Tips to Help Protect Your Health and Your Trip

Five Tips to Help Minimize Potential Travel Problems

Sep 5, 2020

Going to the Beach

Being an Oregon girl, born and bred, for me summer isn't complete without a trip to the beach (or "going to the coast," to use a Pacific Northwesterner's regionalism). Some of my favorite childhood memories involve our family packing into our '62 Chevy station wagon with all our gear for a daytrip from Portland to the coast. Depending on the year, that meant five, six or seven of us kids and at least one parent --- pre-seat belt and car seat days, obviously --- all crammed in for the 90-minute to two-hour drive. We'd wave at logging trucks, loaded with enormous Douglas fir logs on the way to a mill, and spot out-of-state license plates to pass the time, but it seemed forever before the first sight of the ocean came into view.