FX Excursions

FX Excursions offers the chance for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in destinations around the world.
Tag: Recipes
Jan 27, 2021

Tasty Month

Well, that was quick! I feel like I say this every other month, but January really did fly. Anyway, my boyfriend, Nathan, and I have specific financial goals this year, so we started using Mint to help us budget and better track expenses and savings.

Fill Your Heart with Ireland

Whether it's the people, the craic (fun) or the coasts, travelers always find something to love about the island of Ireland. What fills your heart?

Jan 7, 2021

New Year, New Recipes! 

I think it is safe to say we all had extra time on our hands in the last year. Some people pledged themselves to fitness goals, some people watched series upon series on streaming services (including myself; thank you, Netflix), and some people just took time to slow down and think about what “new normal” means to them.

Aug 11, 2020

Keeping Things Creative in the Kitchen

Photo 187044871 © Pixelarchitect | Dreamstime.com


There’s more to travel than just getting there.

Jul 16, 2020

More Green Foods, Please

Are you back to more takeout than homemade meals? The “trying out new recipes” aspect of quarantine life has not left my home; I personally started to experience a different relationship with food, and it is due in part to the risks I have been taking in the kitchen.