FX Excursions

FX Excursions offers the chance for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in destinations around the world.
Tag: Philadelphia
Feb 12, 2024

A Sunny Philadelphia Sunday

Despite the chilly winter weather, it’s been pretty sunny in Philadelphia lately (haha) and, last weekend, my girlfriend Brena and I took advantage of a relatively nice February Sunday to hit some specific places in the city we wanted to try.

Experience Luxury and Tranquility at Hamad International Airport’s Hotel

Known as one of the best airports in the world and voted Best Airport in the Middle East by Global Traveler readers, Hamad International Airport aims to set new standards for the airport industry that exceed the expectations of travelers through its facility.

Feb 2, 2024

Birthday Dinner at Zahav

It seems like all I talk about here is food, but I promise I will switch things up in the coming weeks. (I’ve been eating well; sorry, not sorry.) But this past weekend I secured reservations for my family at Zahav to celebrate my dad’s birthday.

Jan 17, 2024

A Very Philly New Year’s Day

For the past two years, my friends and I started a new New Year’s Day tradition: spending the day celebrating with the Mummers. Since this celebration only takes place in Philadelphia, many people don’t know about the Mummers Parade.

Reconnecting the World: GBTA Convention 2023 Spotlights the Vital Role of Business Travel and In-Person Connection

In an increasingly digital and interconnected world, the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) Convention remains an indispensable platform for business travel industry professionals seeking to make the most of the power of face-to-face connections. Taking place August 13–15 in Dallas, the 2023 GBTA Convention provides the unique opportunity for professionals and companies to join visionaries, thought leaders and industry experts for meaningful networking, cutting-edge insights and inspiring innovation.

Jan 16, 2024

Marie Laurencin at The Barnes

For New Year’s, one of my best friends from college, August, came to stay with my roommates and me. We all went to Bryn Mawr together, and August is currently in grad school in Washington, D.C., studying art history. While the distance from Philly to D.C. is not insurmountable, we definitely don’t see each other as often as we’d like, and nowhere near as often as we used to in college, so it was nice for all of us to be together again.