FX Excursions

FX Excursions offers the chance for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in destinations around the world.
Tag: Jacksonville Oregon
Aug 6, 2022

Summer Entertainment Is Back!

Although my husband and I did a little traveling last summer and felt more comfortable (post-vaccinations) dining out and going to special events, there were still some big holes in our usual summer schedule. This year, though, we really feel like so much of what was missing the past two years has returned. Within the span of just over a week recently, we were able to enjoy two activities which have marked nearly every summer of the 13 years we've lived in Southern Oregon.

Fill Your Heart with Ireland

Whether it's the people, the craic (fun) or the coasts, travelers always find something to love about the island of Ireland. What fills your heart?

Nov 20, 2021

Dancin Tastin’

Recently, my husband and I had to cancel this year's annual fall trek to Walla Walla, Washington, for the region's Fall Release tasting weekend, but we did manage to get in some local tasting at one of our favorite wineries. I enjoy visiting wineries in the late fall, when the crowds of summertime visitors have abated, the bustle of harvest and crush is past, and the vineyards have taken on the muted colors of the season. 

Jan 16, 2021

A Walk in the Woods

Last Saturday I joined my daughter's family for a hike on a nearby complex of trails in Jacksonville, Oregon. Today this small town of about 3,000 residents boasts a collection of boutiques, restaurants and small shops and hosts the summertime Britt Festival, a concert series, but in its early days it was a bustling gold mining town, the county seat and the largest settlement in Oregon. It boomed after gold was discovered in 1851 at Rich Gulch, but after the gold ran out and the railroad passed it by in 1884, it quietly settled down as an agricultural town, and the world mostly passed it by.

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Aug 24, 2019

An Evening with The Piano Guys

Earlier this year, as my husband and I were perusing the line-up of artists scheduled to perform at our favorite outdoor concert venue here in Southern Oregon, we couldn't quite agree on who we wanted to see. Those I wanted to see Harry wasn't particularly excited about, and I wasn't that interested in a few that he liked. There were also a few that we would have liked to watch, but they coincided with times we would be out of town. I don't quite recall how we finally settled on The Piano Guys. Neither of us had heard of them before, but we must have decided that an evening of instrumental music, classical mixed with other genres, would be pleasant.