FX Excursions

FX Excursions offers the chance for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in destinations around the world.
Tag: Detroit
Oct 16, 2013

The Global Traveler

I don’t exactly know how or when it happened, but I became known to my friends as a traveler. Actually, some started referring to me as the Global Traveler. Just for accuracy’s sake, I must point out all my travels have been within the North American borders.

Unearth Seoul’s Hidden Gems

Filled with hidden treasures waiting to be discovered, Seoul invites travelers to unearth its many gems, and Seoul Tourism Organization is here to help travelers do just that. Through thoughtfully created initiatives like the Theme Tourism County Competition, Seoul Tourism Organization works closely with local districts to identify and showcase what makes each district unique and charming in all seasons.

Mar 6, 2013

A Short Trip to Michigan

For big hockey fans like my nephew Matt and me, it doesn’t get much better than watching our beloved Chicago Blackhawks beat the Detroit Red Wings in Detroit, Mich. The Hawks and Wings are two of the “Original Six” hockey teams and have had an intense rivalry over the years.

Jun 27, 2012

Good Food, Good Friends

For me, dining is much more than ingesting food.  I love the experience of sitting down with loved ones and enjoying a good meal with lively conversation.  On my recent baseball trip, I enjoyed some outstanding dining experiences.

Briggs & Riley: Elevate Your Journey with Quality Luggage

Embracing a life well lived often means embracing a life well-traveled. Every journey becomes a canvas for experiences that shape our lives and at the heart of every adventure lies the indispensable companion: quality luggage.

May 23, 2012

Detroit Baseball

Every May, I travel to Novi, Mich., for the Motor City Comic Con. We also always attend a Detroit Tigers game, since Comerica Park is only about 20 miles away.