FX Excursions

FX Excursions offers the chance for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in destinations around the world.
Tag: barbecue
Jun 7, 2018

Barbecue in Charleston

My husband and I traveled to Charleston for the first time over Memorial Day Weekend. It was a short trip, but we knew we wanted to experience the city’s booming food scene. High on our list: barbecue. With numerous places to choose from, we decided on dinner at Lewis Barbecue.

Travel Tips to Help Protect Your Health and Your Trip

Five Tips to Help Minimize Potential Travel Problems

Jun 27, 2016

American Eats in London on the Rise

"In December 2015, several prominent London chefs predicted 2016 would be the year of American food’s popularity in London. So far, this prediction seems to be holding up, as several American-style food joints are gaining popularity. What exactly does “American food” look like to England natives? Let’s find out..." Read more at trazeetravel.com.