FX Excursions

FX Excursions offers the chance for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in destinations around the world.
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Richard Newton

Richard Newton has been a travel writer since 1992, and has been a regular contributor and columnist for Global Traveler since its inception in 2004. He has written for numerous newspapers and magazines in the United States, the United Kingdom and the Middle East, and also reported for BBC Radio. He and his wife divide their time between England, Spain and Africa.

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Fill Your Heart with Ireland

Whether it's the people, the craic (fun) or the coasts, travelers always find something to love about the island of Ireland. What fills your heart?

April/May 2023
May 17, 2023

Return to Nature: Awaken Your Senses at Singita Ebony Lodge

Close your eyes. What can you smell? At this moment, it’s the African bushveld: an earthy mix of dust, vegetation, the sweetness of fermenting marula fruit, perhaps a whiff of elephant dung. What can you feel? The heat, relieved by the evening breeze. The padded seat of the safari vehicle, maybe even a slight buzz from the sundowner drink you’ve just enjoyed. What can you hear? This evening it’s the resonant call of a group of ground hornbills, one of the most evocative sounds of Africa. And there ... the sharp warning barks of a herd of impala.